Sunday, August 12, 2007

q & a with kevin martin (4 of 6)

q: going back to candlebox, has there ever a time during your evolution in your career where you wanted to quit? with bands there's always ups and downs and obviously you're still together, so you didn't quit for good. in the past when there's been that desire to want to quit, if there ever has been that desire to give it up and go do something else, what is it that's kept you persevere?

a: i don't...know if i can do anything else...really. i mean i do graphic designs and stuff like that and i do artwork. but i don't...i don't think there's ever been any one moment when i wanted to quit. i think that there's gonna come a point. you know my wife and i are expecting our first child in january and we wanna have more. i don't wanna be...away. you know my dad travelled a lot when i was growing up and it was real hard on me.

q: is that when he was playing in the big band?

a: no he wasn't playing any more. he was a salesman. he was a sales manager for a company called carey salt. so he traveled a lot. and i don't want...i don't want that for my child, for my children. you know? this is not a life that is easy, at all. and you get real tired. and uh...and it's not that i don't love it. it's just that there's just gonna come a point where i'm gonna say 'i don't wanna do this anymore because it's just boring the shit out of me.' but what keeps me going, really, is the music and i love...i love performing, i love writing and i love singing, and i love playing music. so...right now that's what keeps me going. but there'll come a point. i mean, there's no way i'm gonna be running around like fucking mick jagger. i just don't care that much. you know? i suppose if we were the rolling stones it'd be a different story.

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